Community Health Worker (Certificate)

Study community health at JCC

The Community Health certificate at Jamestown Community College prepares you to enter the workforce as an entry-level public health worker in clinical settings and government agencies. Community health is an in-demand field, with the public health workforce in the U.S. experiencing a 40% decline since 2015, and losses accelerating since COVID-19.

What does a community health worker do?

As a community health worker, you’ll promote wellness by encouraging people to adopt healthy behaviors, working to decrease health disparities and inequity, and act as an advocate for the community. A community health worker also helps clients navigate health agencies and health services.

2023 median pay for community health workers: $48,200/year according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

What will JCC’s program teach you?

JCC’s program equips you with the training to make public health accessible to the communities you serve, addressing diversity, equity, and inclusion, as well as international perspectives.

Where to study at JCC

Program pathway

This program can stack into: Criminal Justice A.S. degree | Human Services A.S. degree | Individual Studies A.S. degree | Social Sciences A.A. degree

Community health worker skills

After you complete the program, you will be able to:

  • Develop the skills necessary to becoming a Community Health Worker.
  • Demonstrate understanding of the ethics of the profession.
  • Demonstrate understanding of how the principles of rights, access, equity, and autonomy apply to social justice action, past, current, or future.

Semester 1

Requirements Met

ANT 1520: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology or

SOC 1510: Introduction to Sociology or

PSY 1510: General Psychology


HUS 1210: Introduction to Human Services


ENG 1510: English Composition I


BIO 1500: Human Biology or

BIO 1510: Health Science or

BIO 1570: Principles of Cell and Molecular Biology or

BIO 2510: Anatomy & Physiology I

Requirements Met

COH 1010: Community Health Worker Internship


HUS 1350: Crisis Intervention


COH 2500: Introduction to Public Health


HUS 1410: Generalist Practice Skills


Program Core Electives

Behavioral Health:

HUS 1310: Introduction to Alcohol and Chemical Dependency

HUS 2430: Chemical Dependency Treatment Methods

PSY 2560: Abnormal Behavior or SOC 2540: Deviant Behavior


Community Health:

COH 1500: Community Health Promotion

Choose two of the following:

ANT 2550/SOC 2550: Introduction to Dis/Ability Studies

ANT 2590/SOC 2590: Sex, Sexuality, and Gender

BIO 2760: Nutrition

HUS 2370: Gerontology

PSY 2510: Life Span Development

PSY 2570: Human Sexuality
